副教授,1985年生,博士畢業于倫敦大學學院,2016年入職大連海事大學環境科學與工程學院。從事海洋環境科學研究,主要研究方向為海洋溢油遷移轉化與污染防控。作為負責人承擔國家自然科學基金、遼寧省自然科學基金等課題項目,榮獲2024年度國際埃尼獎(Eni Award)提名,入選大連市本地高層次人才、大連海事大學“星海工程”教師培養計劃。目前已在JHM、JEMA、JFM等SCI期刊發表學術論文20余篇。
學習經歷 |
[1] 2004.09-2008.07,哈爾濱工業大學,環境工程學士
[2] 2008.09-2010.07,哈爾濱工業大學,環境科學與工程碩士
[3] 2010.09-2015.04,英國倫敦大學學院,環境流體力學博士
工作經歷 |
[1] 2015.07-2016.06,英國倫敦大學學院,博士后
[2] 2016.09-2019.06,大連海事大學,講師,碩士生導師
[3] 2019.07至今,大連海事大學,副教授,碩士生導師
教學研究 |
[1] 本科生課程《海洋環境評價》
[2] 本科生課程《Environmental Engineering》
[3] 本科生課程《水污染控制工程課程設計》
[4] 本科生課程《(海洋)環境影響評價課程設計》
[5] 研究生課程《Introduction to Ocean Science for Sustainable Development》
科研項目 |
[1] 參與國家重點研發計劃子課題,海洋污染事故風險預警與生態環境損害評估方法,2023.11-2026.12
[2] 參與國家自然科學基金面上項目,施加消油劑對溢油與懸浮泥沙聚合沉降的影響及模型建立,2021.01-2024.12
[3] 主持國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,波浪作用下石油-懸浮顆粒物聚合體形成的碰撞裹覆機制研究,2019.01-2021.12
[4] 主持遼寧省自然科學基金項目,淺海區域沉底油再上浮影響因素研究,2017.05-2019.04
[5] 主持自然資源部海洋減災中心科研項目,危險化學品泄漏海洋環境影響評估技術研究,2016.12-2017.12
代表性論文&著作 |
[1] Zhixin Qi, Zhennan Wang, Yue Yu*, et al. Formation of oil-particle aggregates in the presence of marine algae. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2023, 25: 1438-1448. (內封)
[2] Xingping Yu, Zhixin Qi*, Deqi Xiong*, et al. Impact of mixing energy and dispersant dosage on oil dispersion and sedimentation with microplastics in the marine environment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, 195: 115542.
[3] Wenxin Li, Zhixin Qi*, Deqi Xiong*, et al. Formation and sedimentation of oil–mineral aggregates in the presence of chemical dispersant. Environmental Science: Processes Impacts, 2023, 25: 1937-1944.(內封)
[4] Huan Gao, Zhixin Qi*, Xinping Yu, et al. Effect of salinity and temperature on the dispersion of spilled oil in the presence of microplastics. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023, 11(4): 791.
[5] Wenxin Li, Wei Wang, Yajing Qi, Zhixin Qi*, et al. Combined effects of chemical dispersant and suspended minerals on the dispersion process of spilled oil. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 341: 118110. (埃尼獎提名)
[6] Zhixin Qi, Zhennan Wang, Meiting Chen*, et al. Pilot-scale anaerobic treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater and performance prediction based on support vector regression. Fermentation-Basel, 2022, 8(3): 99.
[7] Yue Yu, Zhixin Qi*, Deqi Xiong*, et al. Experimental investigations on the vertical distribution and properties of oil-mineral aggregates (OMAs) formed by different clay minerals. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 311: 114844.
[8] Yue Yu, Deqi Xiong*, Zhixin Qi*, et al. Effects of oil and sediment properties and mixing states on the formation and settling of oil-particle aggregates. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2022, 127: e2020JC016896.
[9] Wenxin Li, Yue Yu , Deqi Xiong*, Zhixin Qi*, et al. Effects of oil properties on the formation of oil-particle aggregates at the presence of chemical dispersant in baffled flask tests. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 436: 129227.
[10] Zhixin Qi, Ruiyang Sun, Yue Yu*, et al. Performance of dispersed oil and suspended sediment during the oil-sediment aggregation process. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021, 168: 112455.
[11] Yue Yu, Zhixin Qi*, Deqi Xiong*, et al. Oil dispersion and aggregation with suspended particles in a wave tank. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 278: 111572.
[12] Zhixin Qi, Yue Yu, Xinping Yu, et al. Effect of the concentration and size of suspended particulate matter on oil-particle aggregation. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 153: 110957.
[13] Yue Yu, Zhixin Qi, Xinping Yu, et al. Current velocity, temperature and oil thickness as determinants on the refloating process of the stranded oil in Bohai Sea. Marine and Freshwater Research, 2020, 71(8): 1006–1016.
[14] 于躍, 李聞欣, 齊志鑫, 等, 顆粒物作用下海洋溢油沉降過程的影響因素. 船海工程, 2020, 49(2): 36–40.
[15] Zhixin Qi, Guoli Xiang, Deqi Xiong*. Performance evaluation of pilot-scale hybrid anaerobic baffled reactor (HABR) to process dyeing wastewater based on grey relational analysis. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019, 9(10): 1974.
[16] Yue Yu, Zhixin Qi, Wenxin Li, et al. Effects of physical parameters and chemical dispersant on the formation of oil-particle aggregates (OPAs) in marine environments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 148: 66–74.
[17] Yue Yu, Zhixin Qi, Sinan Fu, et al. Effects of wave conditions and particle size on the release of oil from oil-contaminated sediments in a wave tank. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2019, 7(8): 256.
[18] 張春昌, 齊志鑫*, 武江越, 等, 危險化學品泄漏事故海洋環境質量影響評價技術研究. 海洋湖沼通報, 2019, (01): 73–79.
[19] Yali Gao, Deqi Xiong*, Zhixin Qi, et al. Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sunken oils in the presence of chemical dispersant and sediment. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2019, 7(9): 282.
[20] Zhixin Qi, Chunchang Zhang, Junsong Han, et al. A decision model responding to the refuge request from a ship in need of assistance. Marine Policy, 2018, 95: 294–300.
[21] Zhixin Qi*, Ian Eames. Implications of ballast tank geometry and treatment technology on NIS removal. Ocean Engineering, 2015, 103: 211–222.
[22] Z.X. Qi*, I. Eames, E.R. Johnson. Force acting on a square cylinder fixed in a free-surface channel flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2014, 756: 716–727.
[23] Zhixin Qi*, Ian Eames, Alistair Greig. Flushing ballast tanks. Ocean Engineering, 2014, 89: 157–172.
榮譽獎勵 |
[1] 2024年度國際埃尼獎(Eni Award)(提名),2023年
[2] 大連海事大學優秀學術成果獎一等獎,2022年
[3] 大連市本地高層次人才,2020年
[4] 大連海事大學星海工程教師培養計劃,2020年
招生信息 |
[1] 碩士招生:
學科:環境科學與工程,招生方向:環境監測與評價 類型:學術學位碩士研究生
學科:資源與環境,招生方向:環境監測與評價技術 類型:專業學位碩士研究生
學生培養 |
[1] 在讀碩士7人,畢業碩士4人